Michael Brecker
Time is of the Essence

Michael Brecker - Time is of the Essence

  • Release date: 1999
  • Genre: Jazz
  • Format: CDR
  • Category: jazz
  • Duration: 1:10:02
  • *** 1/2
  • Added September 12, 2008
  • Played May 11, 2012
  • Rated September 12, 2008


1. Michael Brecker - Arc of the Pendulumnot rated8:59
2. Larry Goldings - Sound Offnot rated6:04
3. Michael Brecker - Half Past Latenot rated7:54
4. Pat Metheny - Timelinenot rated6:05
5. Michael Brecker - The Morning of This Nightnot rated7:42
6. George Whitty - Renaissance Mannot rated8:36
7. Michael Brecker - Dr. Slatenot rated7:41
8. Pat Metheny - As I amnot rated6:49
9. Michael Brecker - Outrancenot rated10:08

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