Mark Murphy
Sings Dorothy Fields and Cy Coleman

Mark Murphy - Sings  Dorothy Fields and Cy Coleman

  • Release date: 1977
  • Genre: Jazz
  • Format: LP
  • Category: jazz
  • Duration: 43:29
  • **** 1/2
  • Added May 22, 2008
  • Rated May 22, 2008


1. I Love my wifenot rated3:37
2. I'm gonna laugh you right out of my lifenot rated3:15
3. When in Romenot rated2:50
4. On second thoughtnot rated2:54
5. Seesawnot rated3:06
6. I walk a little fasternot rated2:14
7. That's my stylenot rated3:18
8. Don't blame menot rated2:54
9. Remind menot rated3:45
10. I'm in the mood for lovenot rated3:19
11. A fine romancenot rated2:18
12. April fooled menot rated2:14
13. Alone too longnot rated3:23
14. I'm way aheadnot rated4:16

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