Christopher Franke
Enchanting Nature

Christopher Franke - Enchanting Nature

  • Release date: 1994
  • Duration: 57:12
  • not rated
  • Added May 3, 2007
  • Played December 9, 2007


1. Gate of the Shimmering Cavenot rated2:14
2. Song of the Creeknot rated5:08
3. Dancing over Poolsnot rated3:11
4. Celtic Mistnot rated3:46
5. When The Sun Loves Treesnot rated3:30
6. Silence of the Eclipsenot rated4:53
7. Stream Gardennot rated3:42
8. Purple Wavesnot rated5:10
9. Malibu Trailnot rated4:24
10. Beach Parknot rated4:51
11. Big Sur Romancenot rated2:22
12. Silent Wavesnot rated3:49
13. Woodland Watercolorsnot rated4:32
14. Inside the Cavenot rated5:40

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