Various Artists
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Various Artists - Star Wars: Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

  • Release date: 1983
  • Format: CD
  • not rated
  • Added November 10, 2014


1. 20th Century Fox Fanfarenot rated0:00
2. Main Title/Approaching The Death Star/Tatooine Rendezvousnot rated0:00
3. The Droids Are Capturednot rated0:00
4. Bounty For A Wookieenot rated0:00
5. Han Solo Returnsnot rated0:00
6. Luke Confronts Jabba/Den Of The Rancor/Sarlacc Sentencenot rated0:00
7. The Pit Of Carkoon/Sail Barge Assaultnot rated0:00
8. The Emperor Arrives/The Death Of Yoda/Obi-wan's Revelationnot rated0:00
9. Alliance Assemblynot rated0:00
10. Shuttle Tydirium Approaches Endornot rated0:00
11. Speeder Bike Chase/Land Of The Ewoksnot rated0:00
12. The Levitation/Threepio's Bedtime Storynot rated0:00
13. Sourc Music: Jabba's Baroque Recitalnot rated0:00
14. Jedi Rocksnot rated0:00
15. Archival Bonus Track: Sail Barge Assault (Alternate)not rated0:00
16. Parade Of The Ewoksnot rated0:00
17. Luke And Leianot rated0:00
18. Brother And Sister/Father And Son/The Fleet Enters Hyperspacenot rated0:00
19. Emperor's Throne Roomnot rated0:00
20. The Battle Of Endornot rated0:00
21. The Lightsaber/The Ewok Battlenot rated0:00
22. The Battle Of Endor IInot rated0:00
23. The Battle Of Endor IIInot rated0:00
24. Leia's News/Light Of The Forcenot rated0:00
25. Victory Celebration/End Titlenot rated0:00
26. Source Music: Ewok Feast/Part Of The Tribenot rated0:00
27. Archival Bonus Track: The Forest Battle (Concert Suite)not rated0:00

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