A Message from Birdland

A Message from Birdland - .AppleDouble

  • Format: M4A
  • not rated
  • Added February 28, 2015


1. Oleonot rated0:00
2. Starfirenot rated0:00
3. The Mark of Jazznot rated0:00
4. Night Life (Five Spot After Dark)not rated0:00
5. Stella by Starlightnot rated0:00
6. Lonely Time (Velvet)not rated0:00
7. Back in the Satellite Againnot rated0:00
8. Three More Foxesnot rated0:00
9. Sea Isle Stompnot rated0:00
10. Night Life (Alternate Take)not rated0:00
11. The Mark of Jazz (Alternate Take)not rated0:00
12. Blue Birdland (Theme)not rated0:00

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