Atlantean Kodex
the Pnakotic Vinyls

Atlantean Kodex - the Pnakotic Vinyls

  • Release date: 4/24/2009
  • Genre: Epic Metal
  • Format: 10" vinyl
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 44:45
  • **** 1/2
  • Added May 17, 2009
  • Rated April 9, 2018


1. Manuel Trummer, Florian Kreuzer - From Shores Forsakennot rated10:29
2. Manuel Trummer - Marching Homewardnot rated7:40
3. Manuel Trummer - The White Shipnot rated3:07
4. Manuel Trummer, Amadeus S. Köhli - The Hidden Folknot rated10:00
5. Manuel Trummer - A Prophet in the Forestnot rated11:59
6. Manuel Trummer - Mysteries of the Boar Cultnot rated1:30

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