Elvis Presley (18 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Elvis PresleyElvis PresleyCD1956not rated42:43
Presley, Elvis1969-08-01 International Hotel - Las Vegas, NVCDnot rated1:07:13
Presley, Elvis1973-01-29 Hilton Hotel - Las Vegas, NVCD1973not rated1:01:58
Presley, Elvis1974-03-16 Mid South Coliseum - Memphis, TNCDnot rated57:14
Presley, Elvis1975-06-08 Mississippi Coliseum - Jackson, MICDnot rated51:29
Presley, Elvis1975-06-10 Mid South Coliseum - Memphis, TNCDnot rated27:27
Presley, Elvis1976-06-09 Von Braun Civic Center - Huntsville, ALCD1976not rated1:14:43
Presley, Elvis1976-07-05 Mid South Coliseum - Memphis, TNCD1976not rated1:30:29
Presley, Elvis1977-04-23 Centennial Hall - Toledo, OHCD1976not rated36:16
Presley, Elvis50,000 Elvis Fans Can't Be Wrong Golden Hits' Vol.2CDRnot rated22:47
Presley, ElvisAmerican SoundCDnot rated7:18:49
Presley, ElvisElv1s 30 #1 HitsCDR2002not rated1:19:34
Presley, ElvisLegendaryCDR2000not rated1:33:03
Presley, ElvisSuspicious Minds - The Memphis 1969 AnthologyCD1999not rated2:16:04
Presley, ElvisThe Essential 60's Masters CD1 (CD 3/5)CDR1993not rated1:11:39
Presley, ElvisThe Essential 70's MastersCDR1995not rated6:12:12
Presley, ElvisThe Number One HitsCD1987not rated43:54
Presley, ElvisThe Sun Sessions CDCD1987not rated1:12:31