IX Tab
Spindle & The Bregnut Tree

IX Tab - Spindle & The Bregnut Tree

  • Release date: 7/2012
  • Genre: Electronic/Leftfield
  • Format: CDR
  • Category: newage
  • Duration: 1:13:52
  • ****
  • Added December 7, 2012
  • Rated December 7, 2012


1. The Seams Of Goodwill (Blue Blood)not rated6:09
2. The Crackling Dubnot rated2:41
3. The Line Of Woundsnot rated5:58
4. Blue Danunot rated4:37
5. Seconds (A Djinni Haniver)not rated4:17
6. Trailers & Smuntingnot rated4:25
7. A Hanging In TS Eliot's Gardennot rated6:22
8. Shoggothicsnot rated1:40
9. The Sutton Wytch Huntnot rated9:02
10. In The Blake Midwinternot rated6:05
11. Gurningsnot rated4:02
12. Oggle Hatchnot rated18:34

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