
Welcome to my massive collection. This used to be over 120,000 songs... but I've lost a few drives along the way. Rebuilding is a pain. If you like the collection, follow me on twitter @digitallyjinxed and let me know what you think! I'm on turntable quite often - so if you have a request, just tweet to me and let me know, or find me on there! As you can tell, this collection includes every style of music, there's really nothing I won't listen to - at least once ;). Anyway - that's all for now.

Last.FM Milestones
th track: (24 Nov 2009)

Staind - So Far Away

th track: (17 Dec 2009)

As I Lay Dying - Morning Waits

th track: (26 Jan 2010)

American Me - Attributes of the Strong

th track: (11 Jul 2011)

Theory of a Deadman - Lowlife

Generated on 04 Aug 2011

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