(What's the Story) Morning Glory?

Oasis - (What's the Story) Morning Glory?

  • Release date: 1995
  • Genre: Alternative Pop/Rock
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 49:57
  • ****
  • Added May 9, 2008
  • Rated November 13, 2008


1. Gary Glitter, Mike Leander, Noel Gallagher - Hello*** 1/23:21
2. Noel Gallagher - Roll with It*** 1/23:59
3. Noel Gallagher - Wonderwall****4:18
4. Noel Gallagher - Don't Look Back in Anger****4:47
5. Noel Gallagher - Hey Now!***5:41
6. Noel Gallagher - [Untitled Track]not rated0:44
7. Noel Gallagher - Some Might Say****5:28
8. Noel Gallagher - Cast No Shadow*** 1/24:51
9. Noel Gallagher - She's Electric*** 1/23:39
10. Noel Gallagher - Morning Glory****5:03
11. Noel Gallagher - [Untitled Track]not rated0:39
12. Noel Gallagher - Champagne Supernova***7:27

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