Power of the Night

Savatage - Power of the Night

  • Release date: 1985
  • Genre: Heavy Metal/Power Metal
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 38:47
  • ***
  • Added December 17, 2007
  • Rated December 17, 2007


1. Jon Oliva - Power of the Nightnot rated5:14
2. Criss Oliva/Keith Collins - Unusualnot rated4:27
3. Criss Oliva/Keith Collins - Warriorsnot rated4:02
4. Criss Oliva/Keith Collins - Necrophilianot rated3:36
5. Criss Oliva - Washed Outnot rated2:14
6. Criss Oliva/Keith Collins - Hard for Lovenot rated3:59
7. Criss Oliva/Keith Collins - Fountain of Youthnot rated4:30
8. Criss Oliva - Skull Sessionnot rated3:21
9. Criss Oliva/Keith Collins - Stuck on Younot rated3:09
10. Criss Oliva - In the Dreamnot rated4:15

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