Skid Row
Slave to the Grind

Skid Row - Slave to the Grind

  • Release date: 1991
  • Genre: Hard Rock/Heavy Metal
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 47:53
  • ****
  • Added May 30, 2007
  • Played May 30, 2007
  • Rated May 30, 2007


1. Dave "The Snake" Sabo/Rachel Bolan - Monkey Businessnot rated4:19
2. Dave "The Snake" Sabo/Rachel Bolan/Sebastian Bach - Slave to the Grindnot rated3:29
3. Dave "The Snake" Sabo/Rachel Bolan - The Threatnot rated3:50
4. Dave "The Snake" Sabo/Rachel Bolan - Quicksand Jesusnot rated5:26
5. Rachel Bolan - Psycho Lovenot rated3:57
6. Dave "The Snake" Sabo/Rachel Bolan/Sebastian Bach - Get the Fuck Outnot rated2:42
7. Dave "The Snake" Sabo/Rachel Bolan - Livin' on a Chain Gangnot rated3:57
8. Rachel Bolan/Rob Affuso/Scott Hill - Creepshownot rated3:58
9. Dave "The Snake" Sabo/Rachel Bolan/Sebastian Bach - In a Darkened Roomnot rated3:54
10. Dave "The Snake" Sabo/Rachel Bolan - Riot Actnot rated2:40
11. Rachel Bolan/Scotti Hill/Sebastian Bach - Mudkickernot rated3:53
12. Dave "The Snake" Sabo/Rachel Bolan/Sebastian Bach - Wasted Timenot rated5:48

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