Rory Gallagher
Rory Gallagher

Rory Gallagher - Rory Gallagher

  • Release date: 1971
  • Genre: Classic Rock/Blues Rock
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 55:10
  • ****
  • Added October 10, 2008
  • Rated October 10, 2008


1. Rory Gallagher - Laundromat***4:39
2. Rory Gallagher - Just the Smile****3:40
3. Rory Gallagher - I Fall Apart****5:12
4. Rory Gallagher - Wave Myself Goodbye*** 1/23:30
5. Rory Gallagher - Hands Up****5:25
6. Rory Gallagher - Sinner Boy*** 1/25:05
7. Rory Gallagher - For the Last Time****6:35
8. Rory Gallagher - It's You*** 1/22:38
9. Rory Gallagher - I'm Not Surprised****3:36
10. Rory Gallagher - Can't Believe It's You*** 1/27:16
11. Muddy Waters - Gypsy Woman [-]***4:02
12. Otis Rush - It Takes Time [-]*** 1/23:32

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