George Harrison
Living in the Material World

George Harrison - Living in the Material World

  • Release date: 1973
  • Genre: Classic Rock/Pop/Rock
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 43:56
  • ***
  • Added September 1, 2008
  • Rated September 1, 2008


1. George Harrison - Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth)*** 1/23:38
2. George Harrison - Sue Me, Sue You Blues***4:50
3. George Harrison - The Light That Has Lighted the World*** 1/23:32
4. Don't Let Me Wait Too Long***2:59
5. George Harrison - Who Can See It***3:53
6. George Harrison - Living in the Material World***5:32
7. George Harrison - The Lord Loves the One (That Loves the Lord)***4:35
8. George Harrison - Be Here Now*** 1/24:11
9. George Harrison, Phil Spector - Try Some, Buy Some*** 1/24:09
10. George Harrison - The Day the World Gets 'Round***2:54
11. George Harrison - That Is All***3:43

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