das's top 1000 artists sorted by size

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Elvis Presley Saxon Deep Purple Iron Maiden Fleetwood Mac Medwyn Goodall Manowar Golden Earring Runrig Rush Doro Motorhead Uriah Heep The Meteors Alice Cooper Pat Travers The Beatles Barclay James Harvest Queen April Wine Black Sabbath Journey Loudness Diamond Head Whitesnake Gary Moore Yes Venom AC/DC Praying Mantis Grave Digger W.A.S.P. Thin Lizzy Pink Floyd Megadeth Bon Jovi Tokyo Blade Tank Little Feat Rose Tattoo Dio Raven Pat Benatar Led Zeppelin Twisted Sister ZZ Top Accept Jethro Tull Stratovarius Y&T Judas Priest Krokus UFO Anvil Toy Dolls Manilla Road Van Halen Overkill Skyclad Demon Molly Hatchet Helloween Thunder Ted Nugent Samson Rainbow Blind Guardian D:A:D Holocaust Blackfoot Thor Grim Reaper Gamma Ray Angel Witch Bachman Turner Overdrive The Exploited FM The Cult The Who Iced Earth Rhapsody Paradise Lost Tygers of Pan Tang Cream Pentangle Running Wild Def Leppard Triumph Dogs D'Amour Jets Bryan Adams Therion Kingdom Come Siouxsie & the Banshees Riot Steely Dan Stormwitch Dixie Chicks Reverend Horton Heat King Diamond Dark Moor Misfits The Sweet Kamelot Joe Satriani Budgie Blitzkrieg Pretty Maids Axe Victory Savatage Nightwish Quiet Riot Pantera Enuff Z'Nuff Satan Free Ozzy Osbourne Nightwing Metallica Witchfinder General Fastway Edenbridge The Pogues Subway to Sally Lita Ford Blackmore's Night White Skull Hammerfall Girlschool Witchfynde The Jesus Lizard Gong Poison Jackyl T. Rex At Vance Lagwagon Sonata Arctica Paragon U2 Girl Iron Butterfly The Go-Go's L7 Rock Goddess Mago de Oz Heavy pettin' Solas E.F. Band Killers Lynyrd Skynyrd KIX Tygers Of Pan Tang All About Eve The Battlefield Band Picture Chastain Spider Wolfsbane Freak Kitchen Europe Geordie Donnie Munro Rasputina Gov't Mule The Runaways Lillian Axe Paul Di'anno Thunderhead Hayseed Dixie Elixir Stargazers Freedom Call Bitches Sin Magnum Cruachan Motley Crue T.N.T. Mama's Boys Trespass Jaguar Saracen H.I.M. Omen Buffalo Tommy Bolin Vixen The Phantom Rockers P Paul Fenech Savage The Stray Cats Buzzcocks White Lion Montrose Xandria Chariot Vardis Skyforger Fist Polecats Faith No More Brocas Helm Quartz Pagan Altar Blondie M.ILL.ION Marseille Haggard Black Rose The Lord Weird Slough Feg Warlock The Black League The Handsome Beasts The Rods Iona Elvenking Desolation Angels Pegazus Machine Men Cloven Hoof Domine Tierra Santa Heavy Metal Kids The Golden Ear-Rings (Golden Earring) Flogging Molly Winterlong Warfare Garmarna The Storyteller Stormlord Rogue Male Tobruk Avenger Stevie Nicks Crucifixion Heavy Load Chinatown Nazareth Lordi Paul Mounsey Battleaxe Dedringer Falconer Lacuna Coil Wizard Celtic Frost Easy Rider Skunk Anansie Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band Jeff Healey Band Janis Joplin Grand Prix Lionsheart Skylark Iron Fire Witchery Shiva Blue Tears Bronz Rebellion Seventh Son Jag Panzer Nirvana Twisted Tower Dire Zebra Soldier Battlezone The Strawbs Adrian Gale Tyrannosaurus Rex Overdrive Stormwarrior DragonForce Spock's Beard Power Quest Supreme Majesty Drakkar Baby Tuckoo After Dark X-Wild Gaskin Screaming Lord Sutch Riff Raff Axenstar David Coverdale Tyrant Chasar Cutty Sark Thy Majestie Queensryche A.II.Z Wild Dogs Luca Turilli Axewitch Dealer Aragorn Heavenly Norther Howard Shore Fairyland Legend Silent Force Oliver/Dawson Saxon Marshall Law Ground Attack Shania Twain Kalmah Lee Rocker Jon Bon Jovi Tysondog Guana Batz Goldfrapp Mott the Hoople Samurai Toad the Wet Sprocket Cher Tredegar Bruce Dickinson Tuatha De Danann Frenzy Nutz Lunatica Midori Le Griffe Morgana Lefay More Gun Barrel Hell 100% Proof Limelight Dumpy's Rusty Nuts Blaze Hellenbach Starfighters Hanoi Rocks Rhabstallion Fiona Geddes Axe Satanic Rites Labyrinth Highlord Hel Sledgehammer Angus Vintersorg Axxis Of the Wand & the Moon Isengard Money Syron Vanes Tarja Turunen Vandenberg Blackjack Centaur Lost Horizon Atomkraft Jameson Raid Griffin (usa) Agent Steel Alkatrazz Mithrandir Bonham Urchin The Troggs Damn Yankees Celtic Warrior Black Steel Celtic Legacy ARC Warlord Street Dogs Scarab Tarzen Black Majesty Twilightning Y Diawled Blood Money Falkenbach Sacred Warrior Energy Attacker Battlelore Heritage Dark Star Acid Firewind Tenhi Dragonslayer Berlin Ritz Tyr White Spirit Apocalypse Wildfire Lucifer's Heritage (Blind Guardian) Aragon Galloglass Charge Lisa Marie Presley Shadow Gallery Denigh Behemoth CJSS HammerFall Brainfever Conquest of Steel Joan Jett and the Blackhearts Gene Vincent & The Blue Caps Devo Lionheart Triarchy Nomans Land Ace Lane Suzi Quatro Freternia Bullet Dragonheart Cobra Atlain Pariah Saber Tiger The Four Horsemen Warrior (us) Tyran Pace Mithotyn The Deadcats Atomic Rooster Damascus Shogun Dragster Split Beaver Little Angels Evil Masquerade Dawnwatcher Lion Frankie Miller Bruce Guthro T.T. Quick Dawn Trader Excalibur Helstar Black Angels Hammerhead Intense Nest Legend (Kent) Tyrant (UK) Metal Inquisitor Woods of Ypres Chevy Glasgow Breaking Benjamin Duane Eddy Spinal Tap Snakebite Overdrive (2) Spartan Warrior Bad Company Gothic Knights Korpiklaani The Corrs Batmobile Salem Dragonland Kraken Widowmaker Leaves' Eyes Dungeon Beatallica Crom Wild Horses Lightning Raiders Persian Risk Living End Dave Edmunds Forefather Last Tribe Donald Fagen Fabulous Disaster Marillion Lyadrive Alaska The Quireboys Persuader Blade Runner Kittie Bitch Griffin (nor) Jacqui McShee's Pentangle Tattooed Love Boys Eurythmics Cynic Morbid Jester Bulldozer Maineeaxe Glacier The Godz Tranzzam Witchcraft Touched Chateaux Agony Bag Orange Goblin Pink Cream 69 Norah Jones Chinawite White Wolf Sweet Savage Ram Jam Rankelson John's Children Turbo Omen Searcher The King Meat Loaf Kiyoshi Yoshida JJ's Powerhouse Sarah Brightman Centurion (usa) MainEEaxe Paralex English Dogs Battle Of Ninjamanz Grateful Dead - Beyond Description (1973-1989) (12CD Boxset) Bruce Springsteen Ritual Steel Burner Wild Horses (us) Mammath Egypt Hazel O'Connor Janine High Treason Hulk Hogan and the Wrestling Boot Band Sapphire Douglas Andromeda Bizet Fats Domino Dark At Dawn Solemnity Spooky Tooth Warrior Destroyer The Monkees Baby Animals Diablo Inxs Union Stille Volk Iona (2) Bill Ward Trojan Jacqui McShee, Gerry Conway, Spencer Cozens Morifade Avenger (now rage) Nosferatu Chain Reaction The Almighty Sandie Shaw 10ccC Midnight Darkness Raven + Udo Jimmy Somerville Charger Forger Tyga Myra Louis Armstrong Bodkin Templar The Platters Leather Nunn Athlantis The Everley Brothers Mystic Prophecy Tyr (spain) The Big Bopper Miles Beyond PowerVice Gothic Voices Cobra (U.S) Zenith Demons Pact Baltimoore She Cracked Mirror Bollweevil Gypsy Phyne Thanquz Jeddah Excelsis Quasar Thanateros Calamus Joker Trespass (israel) Ironware Voltz Cryer Witchkiller Heresiarh Boulevard Axis (usa) Smokin' Roadie Demolition Reincarnate Obtest Shakin' Pyramids Moonsorrow Mud K.T. Tunstall Dragon Lord Last Flight Zalvarinis Bleakhouse Bodine Toto Cherie & Marie Currie David T. Chastain Gorgon Lotus Cruise Hellbound Hayride Dark Heart Of The Wand & The Moon Hollywood Rose Blackhorse Tomorrow Majesty Torch Aurora Sacred Oath Znowhite Second Life Encrimson'd Killer Traitors Gate Carlos Nunez The Pink Fairies Narnia Buzzard Virgin Steele Dead Kennedys Stack Waddy Valhalla Legend Maker Atrium Musicae de Madrid The New Hobbits Di'Anno Metalwolf Slender Thread Cherry Bombz Cheeky Wolverine Epica Steel Prophet Wicked Vikker Kate Bush Blackwych Lee Rocker & Big Blue High Tide Kaledon Bang Deuce Panza Division Twenty Sixty Six And Then No Quarter Nasty Savage Gandalf Le Mans Jag Panzer-Steel Prophet Armed Forces Celtic Pirates Ore Tora Tora (us) Chaska Joe Walsh Mandragora Scream Impact Factory Armed Force Blazer Blazer Mad Dog The Aynsley Dunbar Retaliation Seven Year Itch Slade Helix Alien (swe) Hyksos 44 Magnum Challenger Talisman Traffic Donnie Munro & Friends Die Laughing Crossfire Black Out Black Rose (swe) Buzzard (bel) Art Carpenters Gravestone Light Of Darkness cheetah As I Lay Dying Enid The Black Mages Lost In Twilight Megaton Tuatha de Danann Demented Are Go Ningizzia Billie Holiday Show-Ya Cerebus Carved in Stone Sterling Cooke Force Forlorn Thunderstorm TYR Tyla & Dregen Ulver Motherjane Gaelic Storm Skullview Knightrider Proud Tractor Nevermore Black Rebel Motorcycle Club Bonnie Tyler Stratus Digger Fireclown Odroerir Vanden Plas Neil Diamond Viking Coverdale Page Trooper Poets Bad Manners Kemet Eloy Nazgul Thin End Of The Wedge The Blues Magoos Cyndi Lauper Grand Magus Patsy Cline Mother Tongue Phoenix Rizing Di'anno Medieval Steel Battle Bratt Twisted Ace Driveshaft Mr. Mister Garage Monsters Inc. The meteors Moby Dick Black Axe Sabre Storm Rod Stewart Hollenthon A.T.C. Westfalen Cacophony Lions Pride Sid Vicious Harrier Mercy Cirith Ungol Dutchess KingPingMeh Devil Lee Rot Alien Demon Flight Celtic warrior Chartered Hurricane Artillery Tutch 220 Volt Firebird Dagaband Mendes Prey Meanstreak Iron Horse (us) Weapon Centurion Badge Trojan (Irl) Celtic Woman Joan Baez Golgotha Fugutive I Drive Spitfire Bashful Alley HeadGirl Dan Reed Network The Gathering Dion & The Belmonts Edge of Thorns Masterstroke Battle Axe (usa) Nanowar Maltese Falcon Zenith (ger) Fading Starlight Honey Wagon Titan Overlorde The Fucking Champs Sea Hags The Iron Maidens The Small Faces Adorned Brood Legs Diamond Elfsword Lois Lane Virus Luis Cardenas Lone star Angry Anderson Rubaja And Hernandez Wolfstone Edguy Shadowfax Chainsaw (2) Steel The Ozark Mountain Daredevils Dominoe Sacred Alien John Fogerty Aztecs Thalion Dee Sniders S.M.F's Genghis Khan (Tokyo Blade) Nerthus Ten Years After The Anti-Nowhere League Blackwater Park Battleroar Thermal And A Quarter The Rolling Stones Nightime Flyer Pallas Ded Engine Shaman (fin) Elwing Widow Pickin' On Desperado Bernie Torme Guns N' Roses James Gang Dark Age Lone Star Breaker Chemical Alice Grailknights Mayday Cans The Slapping Suspenders Blue Blood Ethel the Frog Explorer Alien (usa) Anniversary Black Alice Buddha Blown Stray Ravenclaw Sheryl Crow Skoll Tomorrow's Gift Bud Tribe Tigertailz Sparta Kansas Family Wig Wam Voyager UK Del Shannon Iron Angel Sonny & Cher Leatherwolf Ceffyl Pren Statetrooper Alex Harvey Ashen Light Van Helsing's Curse Chainsaw Demon Hunter Eddie & the Hot Rods Bowling for Soup Shakin' Stevens Bette Midler Blind Fury Bob Catley Adventure Sam Thunder Madison David Gilmour Photon Torpedoes Ritchie Valens Sapphire (2) The Moody Blues Horsepower Stampede Xero Leprechaun Wintersun Elf Shock Treatment Tom Petty After Forever Icarus Witch April 16th Alverna Gunn Beto Vazquez Infinity Patti Smith Axis Folkearth Mahogany Rush Blackmayne Iron Horse Amazon Deep Purple & the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Visions of Atlantis Tanzwut XIV Dark Centuries Crysys Bedlam Kelly Osbourne The Cramps Torme T'Pau Turbo (Pol) Final Chapter Secret Sphere Kotipelto Wolf The Jam Holland Cockney Rejects Warrior (3) Commander Cry Aquaria Transvision Vamp Ricochet Midas Crash Alley Heaven Bloodbound Karrier Chaser Heretic Tuuli Bad Brains Eazy Street Rox Exciter Ironsword The Ghost Iron Cross Johnny Kidd And The Pirates Nekromantix Conquest Of Steel China Doll Turisas Holy Dragons Timo Tolkki Humble Pie Godless Wicked Creeps The Mentors Jeff Beck Timeless Miracle Full Strike Marz Doro & Warlock Booker T. & the MG's Tankard Kerosene Brothers Dragonfly Crack Jaw Dyslesia Cobra (2) Accident On The East Lancs Dervish Beast Paul Giovanni/Magnet Tora Tora Coven Jimmy Nail Wendy O. Williams Thunderstick The Police