cableline's top 200 artists sorted by size

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Bob Dylan Tori Amos Rem Belle & Sebastian Tom Waits Bruce Springsteen The Beatles Sonic Youth Elvis Costello Neil Young Stereolab Fleetwood Mac David Bowie Radiohead Talking Heads Elton John Yo La Tengo Smog Johnny Cash Ween Pink Floyd Björk Pavement Guided by Voices Of Montreal Bright Eyes Leonard Cohen Kraftwerk The Band Pearl Jam Simon & Garfunkel Led Zeppelin Low Green Day Super Furry Animals White Stripes, The Vic Chesnutt Bonnie Prince Billy The Rolling Stones Elliott Smith Black Heart Procession Andrew Bird Van Morrison Air Miles Davis Flying Saucer Attack PJ Harvey Tom Petty Patti Smith John Prine The Byrds Jefferson Airplane Warren Zevon Stevie Wonder Lucinda Williams Parliament The Magnetic Fields Tindersticks John Coltrane Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds U2 Beatles, The Guided By Voices Wilco Shearwater Cat Power Robyn Creedence Clearwater Revival The Who Crooked Fingers Neutral Milk Hotel Iron & Wine Arab Strap Blonde Redhead Blur Liars DJ Shadow Captain Beefheart Echo & The Bunnymen Brian Eno Dwight Yoakam Portishead The Clash Joni Mitchell Ladybug Transistor Elf Power Portastatic The Pixies Emmylou Harris Panda Bear Olivia Tremor Control Beck Mary Timony Sleater-Kinney Delgados Spoon M83 Sea & Cake The Shins The Smiths Islands Clap Your Hands Say Yeah Modest Mouse Stevie Nicks TV on the Radio Silver Jews Mercury Rev Sigur Ros Sixteen Horsepower Mojave 3 Sufjan Stevens Lambchop Interpol Purple Ivy Shadows Animal Collective Clash Stephen Malkmus Willie Nelson Commander Cody & His Lost Planet Airmen Drive By Truckers Grandaddy Eagles of Death Metal The Jimi Hendrix Experience Arcade Fire Loudon Wainwright III Mogwai Rage Against the Machine Coldplay Jason & the Scorchers Pulp Lou Reed Mission of Burma Sarah Brightman Moby Grape Tool Metallica New Order Cocteau Twins Okkervil River Malajube Ghostface Killah Neko Case Queens of the Stone Age Jens Lekman Girls James Taylor Squirrel Nut Zippers Johnny Dowd Yeah Yeah Yeahs Blitzen Trapper Viva Voce Wolf Eyes Solex School of Seven Bells Mountain Goats Pop Will Eat Itself Dirty Three Beth Orton Ron Sexsmith Eels Massive Attack Fucked Up Sunny Day Real Estate Common Xiu Xiu Apples In Stereo, The Tara Jane O'Neil Woody Guthrie Poem Rocket Godspeed You Black Emperor Helium Spiritualized Gorillaz Velvet Underground Black Sabbath Bill Callahan Sarah Mclachlan Handsome Furs John Vanderslice Tricky Dinosaur Jr. Nine Inch Nails Barenaked Ladies Sunset Rubdown Mastodon Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, The Fugazi Minutemen Starsailor Aimee Mann Smashing Pumpkins Counting Crows Lcd Soundsystem Future Bible Heroes Blood Brothers the Chemical Brothers Beulah Love As Laughter Raekwon Prince