Digital Domain The
A Demonstration (West Germany Target Pressing)

Digital Domain  The - A Demonstration (West Germany Target Pressing)

  • Release date: 1983
  • Genre: Sound Clip
  • Format: CD
  • Category: data
  • Duration: 59:44
  • not rated
  • Added April 9, 2011


1. The Digital Domainnot rated7:23
2. Study for Reverienot rated2:11
3. Lions are Growingnot rated2:32
4. Hologram 9not rated3:55
5. Colony Vnot rated2:35
6. Specific Racquetballnot rated1:03
7. Selections from Shawman: Call to the Spiritsnot rated2:14
8. Selections from Shawman: Song from the Centerof the Earthnot rated2:57
9. Selections from Shawman: Passagenot rated2:54
10. Towers of Hanoinot rated4:52
11. Generic Racquetballnot rated0:59
12. Love in the Asylumnot rated3:19
13. Venice Beachnot rated3:54
14. Silicon Valley Breakdownnot rated5:28
15. Foothill Parknot rated0:49
16. Helicopternot rated3:54
17. Test: Speaker Identification Testnot rated0:26
18. Test: Announcementnot rated1:15
19. Test: 1kHz Square Wave at 6db From Maximumnot rated0:33
20. Test: Pink Noise, Left Channel Onlynot rated0:30
21. Test: Pink Noise, Right Channel Onlynot rated0:31
22. Test: Pink Noise at -26 db with Emphasisnot rated0:31
23. Test: Pink Noise at -26 db no Emphasisnot rated0:31
24. Test: Pink Noise at -46 db with Emphasisnot rated0:30
25. Test: Pink Noise at -46 db no Emphasisnot rated0:40
26. Test: 1kHz Sine Wave at -20 dbnot rated1:01
27. Test: 1kHz Sine Wave at -40 dbnot rated0:32
28. Test: 1kHz Sine Wave at -60 dbnot rated0:31
29. Test: Noise Floor Test, All Bits at '0'not rated0:59

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