Cash, Johnny (Johnny Cash)
American III: Solitary Man

Cash, Johnny (Johnny Cash) - American III: Solitary Man

  • Release date: 2000
  • Genre: Country/Folk
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: folk
  • not rated
  • Added August 9, 2008


1. I Won't Back Downnot rated0:00
2. Solitary Mannot rated0:00
3. That Lucky Old Sun (Just Rolls Around Heaven All Day)not rated0:00
4. Onenot rated0:00
5. Nobodynot rated0:00
6. I See a Darknessnot rated0:00
7. Mercy Seatnot rated0:00
8. Would You Lay with Me (In a Field of Stone)not rated0:00
9. Field of Diamondsnot rated0:00
10. Before My Timenot rated0:00
11. Country Trashnot rated0:00
12. Mary of the Wild Moornot rated0:00
13. I'm Leaving Nownot rated0:00
14. Wayfaring Strangernot rated0:00

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