Keen, Robert Earl (Robert Earl Keen)
The Live Album

Keen, Robert Earl (Robert Earl Keen) - The Live Album

  • Release date: 10/7/1993
  • Genre: Country/Texan
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: country
  • not rated
  • Added November 23, 2008


1. I Wanna Knownot rated0:00
2. The Front Porch Songnot rated0:00
3. Goin' Down in Stylenot rated0:00
4. If I Were Kingnot rated0:00
5. Copenhagennot rated0:00
6. I Would Change My Lifenot rated0:00
7. Stewball - Robert Earl Keen, Jr., Traditionalnot rated0:00
8. I'll Go on Downtownnot rated0:00
9. The Bluegrass Widownot rated0:00
10. Who'll Be Looking Out for Menot rated0:00

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