Willie Dixon
I Am the Blues

Willie Dixon - I Am the Blues

  • Genre: Electric Blues/Piano Blues
  • Format: CD
  • Category: blues
  • ***
  • Added November 2, 2008
  • Rated June 14, 2010


1. Back Door Mannot rated0:00
2. I Can't Quit You, Babynot rated0:00
3. The Seventh Sonnot rated0:00
4. Spoonfulnot rated0:00
5. I Ain't Superstitiousnot rated0:00
6. You Shook Menot rated0:00
7. (I'm Your) Hoochie Coochie Mannot rated0:00
8. The Little Red Rooster - Willie Dixon, Burnett, Chester Arnot rated0:00
9. The Same Thingnot rated0:00
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