Moreno + 2
Máquina de Escrever Música Remix

Moreno + 2 - Máquina de Escrever Música Remix

  • Release date: 2003
  • Genre: Pop
  • Format: CD
  • Category: misc
  • Duration: 35:55
  • ****
  • Added January 3, 2004
  • Rated July 29, 2007


1. Enquanto Isso - ATOM TM Midisport remixnot rated4:01
2. Sertão - Honey on the Golden Dots Mixnot rated3:58
3. Arrivederci - Remixed por Monoauralnot rated4:02
4. Rio Longe - Eagle Rock Mixnot rated3:28
5. Assim - Remixado por DJ You and DJ Menot rated4:24
6. Nenhuma - Remixado por Anrés Levin, Arto Lindsay e John Schmersalnot rated4:15
7. Nossa Cornot rated6:32
8. Imbalançanot rated5:11

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