
Witchfynde - Stagefright

  • Release date: 10/1/1980
  • Genre: NWOBHM
  • Format: LP
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 38:46
  • ****
  • Added October 3, 2006
  • Rated March 1, 2015


1. Montalo, Steve Bridges - Stage Frightnot rated4:39
2. Montalo, Pete 'Thud' Surgey - Doing The Right Thingnot rated4:57
3. Montalo, Steve Bridges - Would Not Be Seen Dead In Heavennot rated4:42
4. Witchfynde, Montalo - Wake Up Screamingnot rated4:21
5. Montalo, Steve Bridges - Big Dealnot rated3:47
6. Montalo, Pete 'Thud' Surgey - Moon Magicnot rated3:40
7. Witchfynde, Montalo - In The Starsnot rated3:36
8. Montalo, Pete 'Thud' Surgey - Trick Or Treatnot rated4:35
9. Montalo, Pete 'Thud' Surgey - Madeleinenot rated4:29

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