Another Return

Artch - Another Return

  • Release date: 1/1/1988
  • Genre: Power Metal
  • Format: LP
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 42:51
  • *** 1/2
  • Added November 14, 2006
  • Rated June 22, 2015


1. Ed Kuczynski - Conversio Preludenot rated1:00
2. Artch - Another Return To Church Hillnot rated5:29
3. Artch - Power To The Mannot rated3:57
4. Artch - Loadednot rated4:10
5. Artch - Where I Gonot rated6:02
6. Artch - Metal Lifenot rated5:06
7. Artch - The Promised Landnot rated3:42
8. Artch - Shoot To Killnot rated4:55
9. Artch - Living In The Pastnot rated4:26
10. Artch - Reincarnationnot rated4:04

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