Product of Imagination

Paradox - Product of Imagination

  • Release date: 1/1/1987
  • Genre: Thrash Metal
  • Format: LP
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 39:03
  • ****
  • Added June 21, 2009
  • Rated April 9, 2012


1. Charly Steinhauer, Axel Blaha - Opening Themenot rated1:25
2. Charly Steinhauer, Axel Blaha - Paradoxnot rated4:12
3. Charly Steinhauer, Axel Blaha - Death, Screaming and Painnot rated5:06
4. Charly Steinhauer, Axel Blaha - Product of Imaginationnot rated7:10
5. Charly Steinhauer, Axel Blaha - Continuation of Invasionnot rated2:10
6. Charly Steinhauer, Axel Blaha - Mysterynot rated5:02
7. Charly Steinhauer, Axel Blaha - Kill That Beastnot rated4:22
8. Charly Steinhauer, Axel Blaha - Pray to the Godz of Wrathnot rated4:40
9. Charly Steinhauer, Axel Blaha - Beyond Spacenot rated4:41
10. Charly Steinhauer, Axel Blaha - Wotan IInot rated0:15

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