Isaac Hayes
Black Moses

Isaac Hayes - Black Moses

  • Release date: 1971
  • Genre: Soul
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: Soul
  • Duration: 1:33:02
  • not rated
  • Added March 5, 2014


1. Never Can Say Goodbyenot rated5:07
2. (They Long to Be) Close to Younot rated9:00
3. Nothing Takes the Place of Younot rated5:27
4. Man's Temptationnot rated5:01
5. Part-Time Lovenot rated8:29
6. Medley- a. Ike's Rap Iv-B. A Brand New Menot rated9:40
7. Going in Circlesnot rated7:02
8. Never Gonna Give You Upnot rated5:45
9. Medley- a. Ike's Rap II-B. Help Me Lovenot rated7:28
10. Need to Belongnot rated5:15
11. Good Lovenot rated5:16
12. Medley- a. Ike's Rap III-B. Your Love Is So Doggone Goodnot rated9:15
13. For the Good Timesnot rated5:21
14. I'll Never Fall in Love Againnot rated4:56

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