moggy48's top 1000 artists sorted by size

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Shadows. The DiMucci. Dion Springsteen. Bruce Joel. Billy Monkees. The Hardy. Francoise Nylons. The McCartney. Paul Dion And The Belmonts Vance. Kenny And The Planotones Beatles. The Chapin. Harry Simon And Garfunkel Meat Loaf Beautiful South. The Beach Boys. The Marvin. Hank Sharpe. Rocky And The Replays Roomates. The ( 2 ) Estefan. Gloria Knopfler. Mark Wilson. Brian Simon. Paul DeShannon. Jackie Alley Cats. The ( 2 ) Big Daddy Dire Straits Holly. Buddy And The Crickets Status Quo Brillian Tears. The Heaton. Paul And Jacqui Abbot Electric Light Orchestra. The Brian Setzer Orchestra. The Squeeze Velvet Candles. The Susanna And The Roomates ( 3 ) Darts. The Eagles. The ( 3 ) Harrison. George Mavericks. The Presley. Elvis Queen Richard. Cliff And The Shadows ( 2 ) Traveling Wilburys. The Wood. Roy Bowie. David Earth Angels. The Baseballs. The Jeena And The Roomates ( 3 ) Isaak. Chris Barry Gray Orchestra. The Lynne. Jeff Jan And Dean Stewart. Rod Carlisle. Belinda May. Imelda King Creosote Velas. Freddie And The Silvertones Midler. Bette Faith. Paloma Sedaka. Neil Firebirds. The Haley. Bill And The Comets Hoffs. Susannah And Matthew Sweet 1234. The Thompson Twins. The Crickets. The Countryman. Dana TT Grace Holly. Buddy And The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Heaton. Paul Various Artists Stray Cats. The John Barry Seven. The Dave Clark Five. The Poni-Tails. The Ferry. Bryan Diamond. Neil Sentimentals. The ( 2 ) Crow. Sheryl Adams. Bryan Air Supply Bee Gees. The Belmonts. The Blondie Greenwich. Ellie Fleetwood Mac Flash Cadillac And The Continental Kids Griffith . Nanci Kadison. Joshua Jon and Vangelis Keane Lightning Seeds. The Maroon 5 Oasis Planotones. The Pulp Razorlight River Detectives. The Scissor Sisters Rutles. The Sharpe. Rocky And The Razors Shannon. Del Smokie Supertramp Texas Tunstall. KT Who. The Wings Wizzard Zappa. Frank And The Mothers Of Invention Zutons. The Cafferty. John Orients. The