On A Storyteller´s Night In Wolwerhampton (Live At Wulfrun Hall, Wolwehampton, England)

Magnum - On A Storyteller´s Night In Wolwerhampton (Live At Wulfrun Hall, Wolwehampton, England)

  • Release date: 2005
  • Format: Media Audio
  • Category: Un-Official Release
  • Duration: 9:06:08
  • not rated
  • Added November 28, 2018


2018 - Master, Set One
1. Tony Clarkin - Brand New Morningnot rated6:30
2. Tony Clarkin - Back Street Kidnot rated5:33
3. Tony Clarkin - We Need A Lot Of Lovenot rated5:18
4. Tony Clarkin - Soldier Of The Linenot rated5:04
5. Tony Clarkin - We All Runnot rated5:38
6. Tony Clarkin - Vigilantenot rated5:35
7. Tony Clarkin - Kingdom Of Madnessnot rated5:39
8. Tony Clarkin - Sacred Hournot rated8:23
2018 - Master, Set Two
1. Intronot rated1:03
2. Tony Clarkin - How Far Jerusalemnot rated10:18
3. Tony Clarkin - Just Like An Arrownot rated3:54
4. Tony Clarkin - On A Storyteller's Nightnot rated5:02
5. Tony Clarkin - Before First Lightnot rated4:27
6. Tony Clarkin - Les Mort Dansantnot rated5:44
7. Tony Clarkin - Endless Lovenot rated5:20
8. Tony Clarkin - Two Heartsnot rated6:28
9. Tony Clarkin - Steal Your Heartnot rated4:06
10. Tony Clarkin - All England's Eyesnot rated4:50
11. The Audiencenot rated3:58
12. Tony Clarkin - The Last Dancenot rated4:03
13. Outronot rated1:34
2023 - Master, Tracks
1. Brand New Morning(01)not rated6:44
2. Back Street Kidnot rated5:33
3. We Need A Lot Of Lovenot rated5:18
4. Soldier Of The Linenot rated5:04
5. We All Runnot rated5:37
6. Vigilantenot rated5:35
7. Kingdom Of Madnessnot rated5:33
8. Sacred Hournot rated8:29
9. How far Jerusalemnot rated11:25
10. Just Like An Arrownot rated3:54
11. On A Storytellers Nightnot rated5:03
12. Before First Lightnot rated4:27
13. Les Morts Dansantnot rated5:43
14. Endless Lovenot rated5:09
15. Two Heartsnot rated6:36
16. Steal Your Heartnot rated4:08
17. All England's Eyesnot rated8:50
18. The Last Dancenot rated5:50
2023 - Master, Edit
1. Editnot rated1:49:09
2023 - Master, Raw
1. Rawnot rated1:49:41
MD Master Recording
1. Rawnot rated1:49:41

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