Friend Opportunity

Deerhoof - Friend Opportunity

  • Release date: 2007
  • Genre: Rock/Indie Rock
  • Format: LP
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 36:36
  • *** 1/2
  • Added May 9, 2013
  • Rated May 9, 2013


1. The Perfect Menot rated2:40
2. + 81not rated3:03
3. Believe E.S.P.not rated3:07
4. The Galaxistnot rated2:40
5. Whither The Invisible Birds?not rated3:01
6. Cast Off Crownnot rated2:11
7. Kidz Are So Smallnot rated2:47
8. Matchbook Seeks Maniacnot rated1:59
9. Choco Fightnot rated3:23
10. Look Awaynot rated11:45

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