Alice Cooper

Alice Cooper - Trash

  • Release date: 1989
  • Genre: Heavy Rock/Sleaze Rock
  • Format: LP
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 40:18
  • ****
  • Added January 23, 2010
  • Rated January 23, 2010


1. Poison ##**** 1/24:29
2. Spark in the dark ##**** 1/23:52
3. House of fire****3:47
4. Why trust you****3:12
5. Only my heart talkin'****4:47
6. Bed of nails ##**** 1/24:20
7. This maniacs' in love with you ##**** 1/23:48
8. Trash*** 1/24:01
9. Hell is living without you ##**** 1/24:11
10. I'm your gun ##**** 1/23:47

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