Johann Sebastian Bach, Various artists
Bach: Mass in B minor

Various artists - Bach: Mass in B minor

  • Release date: 2/10/1986
  • Genre: Classical
  • Format: CD
  • Category: classical
  • not rated
  • Added October 24, 2019


1. Kyrie: Chorus: Lord, Have Mercy On Us.not rated0:00
2. Kyrie: Duet (Soprano - Mezzo-Soprano): Christ, Have Mercy On Us.not rated0:00
3. Gloria: Chorus: Glory Be To God On High.not rated0:00
4. Gloria: Chorus: And On Earth Peace To Men Of Good Will.not rated0:00
5. Gloria: Aria (Soprano): We Praise Thee; We Bless Thee; We Adore Thee; We Glorify Thee.not rated0:00
6. Gloria: Chorus: We Give Thee Thanks For Thy Great Glory.not rated0:00
7. Gloria: Duet (Soprano - Tenor): Lord God, Heavenly King, God The Almighty Father. O Lord, The Only-Begotten Son, Jesus Cnot rated0:00
8. Gloria: Chorus: Thou Who Takest Away The Sins Of The World, Have Mercy Upon Us. Thou Who Takest Away The Sins Of The Wornot rated0:00
9. Gloria: Aria (Alto): Thou Who Sittest At The Right Hand Of The Father, Have Mercy Upon Us.not rated0:00
10. Gloria: Aria (Bass): For Thou Alone Art The Holy One. Thou Alone Art The Lord. Thou, Jesus Christ, Alone Art The Most Hinot rated0:00
11. Gloria: Chorus: With The Holy Ghost In The Glory Of God The Father. Amen.not rated0:00
12. Credo: Chorus: I Believe In One God.not rated0:00
13. Credo: Chorus: I Believe In One God, The Father Almighty...not rated0:00
14. Credo: Duet (Soprano - Mezzo-Soprano): All In One Lord Jesus Christ...not rated0:00
15. Credo: Chorus: And Was Incarnate By The Holy Ghost Of The Virgin Mary And Was Made Man.not rated0:00
16. Credo: Chorus: And Was Crucified Also For Us Under Pontius Pilate...not rated0:00
17. Credo: Chorus: And The Third Day He Rose Again According To The Scriptures...not rated0:00
18. Credo: Aria (Bass): And I Believe In The Holy Ghost...not rated0:00
19. Credo: Chorus: I Acknowledge One Baptism For The Remission Of Sins.not rated0:00
20. Credo: Chorus: And I Look For The Ressurection Of The Dead...not rated0:00
21. Sanctus: Chorus: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Of Hosts...not rated0:00
22. Sanctus: Chorus: Hosanna In The Highest.not rated0:00
23. Sanctus: Aria (Tenor): Blessed Be He That Cometh In The Name Of The Lord.not rated0:00
24. Sanctus: Chorus (da capo): Hosanna In The Highest.not rated0:00
25. Agnus Dei: Aria (Alto): Lamb Of God...not rated0:00
26. Agnus Dei: Chorus: Grant Us Peace.not rated0:00

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