Dave Seaman
GU012: Buenos Aires

Dave Seaman - GU012: Buenos Aires

  • Release date: 8/23/1999
  • Genre: electronica/bh
  • Format: CD
  • Category: misc
  • Duration: 2:22:49
  • not rated
  • Added August 14, 2001


1. Underworld - Jumbonot rated10:55
2. Timo Maas vs Ian Wilkie - Twin Townnot rated4:30
3. Dutch Liquid - Rushnot rated6:38
4. Dutch Liquid - Smooth Goovenot rated5:41
5. Deep Cover - Breakthroughnot rated6:52
6. Funk Function - Empress Zeronot rated4:45
7. Enzo Schifo - I'm Alive (Mara's Dub)not rated5:42
8. Expansion - Feelnot rated7:14
9. Polaroid - So Damn Beautiful (Amethyst Mix)not rated6:29
10. Gypsy - I Trance You (Pappa & Gilbey Mix)not rated7:07
11. Ambassador - The Fade (Oliver Lieb Mix)not rated5:43
1. Adamski - One of the People (Force Mass Motion Mix)not rated8:48
2. Life on Mars - Life in Minds (Evolution Mix)not rated1:54
3. Red Shift - Descendernot rated7:11
4. Planisphere - Deep Blue Dreamnot rated7:23
5. Christian West - Eternanot rated7:44
6. Origin - Redefined Intricacy '99not rated12:25
7. Jarmel - Tranquility Bay (Hellpass Mix)not rated7:01
8. Coffee Boys - Nipple Fish (Funk Function Mix)not rated7:25
9. Polarity - Feelingnot rated3:35
10. The Light - Opiumnot rated7:37

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