Over The Edge Vol 1: Jam Con '84

Negativland - Over The Edge Vol 1: Jam Con '84

  • Release date: 1984
  • Genre: experimental
  • Format: CD
  • Category: misc
  • Duration: 1:14:11
  • not rated
  • Added August 13, 2001


1. Introduction, JamJamJam, A Little History, Jam This Guy, An Interview with W6DR, Jamming the "Sports Line", Am I On?, Thnot rated16:11
2. Crosley Bendix Reviews JamArt and Cultural Jammingnot rated3:33
3. The Worst Programming Ever, Mind Jamming, A Report by Rex Everything, etc.not rated6:47
4. C. Eliot Friday's Presidential Campaign Shortwave Broadcast (Live from Howland Island)not rated5:17
5. Two or Three People Listening, You Motherfucking Son of a Sack of Piece of Shit, Attempts to Jam and The Endnot rated8:30
6. Walking and Driving and Hiking to the Show, Parade of Condimentsnot rated5:22
7. Stockholders' Meeting (with Crosley Bendix), Insects in Your Pop Bottle, An Abrupt Endingnot rated14:06
8. Body Englishnot rated14:24

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