Complete list of fendent's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
YelloZensation (no more words)Zensationnot ratedCD1982
Yello[Carl Cox' hands on] L'hotelHands on YELLO7:33not rated12" vinyl1995
Yello[Carl Craig's hands on] La habaneraHands on YELLO5:50not rated12" vinyl1995
Yello[Cosmic Baby's hands on] Dr. Van SteinerHands on YELLO5:40not rated12" vinyl1995
Yello[Handsequencer's hands on] I love youHands on YELLO5:34not rated12" vinyl1995
Yello[Jam & Spoon's hands on] You gotta say yes to another excess - Great mission [Uff die 12 - mix]Hands on YELLO10:55not rated12" vinyl1995
Yello[Jam & Spoon's hands on] You gotta say yes to another excess - Great mission [Hausmix]Hands on YELLO7:40not rated12" vinyl1995
Yello[Jens' hands on] Ciel ouvertHands on YELLO7:55not rated12" vinyl1995
Yello[Lisa Gold's hands on] Live at the RoxyHands on YELLO7:20not rated12" vinyl1995
Yello[Moby's hands on] Lost againHands on YELLO6:00not rated12" vinyl1995
Yello[Oliver Lieb's hands on] Crash danceHands on YELLO5:53not rated12" vinyl1995
Yello[Oliver Lieb's hands on] DesireHands on YELLO9:03not rated12" vinyl1995
Yello[Plutone's hands on] Oh yeahHands on YELLO6:00not rated12" vinyl1995
Yello[The Grid's hands on] Vicious gamesHands on YELLO8:15not rated12" vinyl1995
Yello[The Orb's hands on] You gotta say yes to another excessHands on YELLO12:58not rated12" vinyl1995
Yello[Westbam's hands on] Bostich [Crush push mix]Hands on YELLO5:04not rated12" vinyl1995
Yello[Westbam's hands on] Bostich [Machine mix]Hands on YELLO6:34not rated12" vinyl1995
Yello feat. Dorothee OberlingerTakla MakanTouch Yello8:35not ratedCD2009
Yello feat. Heidi HappyKiss In BlueTouch Yello3:33not ratedCD2009
Yello feat. Heidi HappyStayTouch Yello3:02not ratedCD2009
Yello feat. Heidi HappyYou Better HideTouch Yello4:08not ratedCD2009
Yello feat. Till BrönnerElectric FrameTouch Yello3:35not ratedCD2009
Yello feat. Till BrönnerTill tomorrowTouch Yello4:16not ratedCD2009
Yello feat. Till BrönnerVertical VisionTouch Yello4:19not ratedCD2009

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