Philipp Fankhauser
Talk to Me

Philipp Fankhauser - Talk to Me

  • Release date: 6/1/2004
  • Format: CD
  • Category: wanted
  • not rated
  • Added May 18, 2008


1. Ain't Gonna Give It Upnot rated0:00
2. Cut Off My Right Armnot rated0:00
3. Members Onlynot rated0:00
4. Talk To Menot rated0:00
5. Home Town (Thum)not rated0:00
6. Flyin' High (Yesterday)not rated0:00
7. Welcome To The Real Worldnot rated0:00
8. Who's Gonna Sing The Blues For You?not rated0:00
9. Going To Dallasnot rated0:00
10. Down In The Valleynot rated0:00

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