Hilgrove Kenrick, Hilgrove Kenrick
Bad Blood

Hilgrove Kenrick - Bad Blood

  • Release date: 2015
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: soundtrack
  • Duration: 49:36
  • not rated
  • Added March 10, 2016


1. Prologue and Main Titlesnot rated2:41
2. Escape and Into The Woodsnot rated4:11
3. John's Room and Randell's Messagenot rated3:34
4. The Bar (Part I): Max Arrivesnot rated1:27
5. The Bar (Part II): Shootoutnot rated1:10
6. The Bar (Part III): John Fights Backnot rated0:47
7. The Bar (Part IV): Escape Plannot rated1:45
8. A Tale of Two Carsnot rated1:34
9. Arrival In The Northnot rated1:29
10. Battle In The Northnot rated4:58
11. The Procedurenot rated2:27
12. Infected Church Battlenot rated2:29
13. John Heads To Townnot rated1:15
14. Infected vs. Priest and Buildernot rated2:44
15. Kyra vs. Helicopternot rated1:21
16. John In The Warehousenot rated2:50
17. Kyra vs. Ravennot rated2:03
18. Target Downnot rated1:20
19. ...Don't Leave Menot rated2:57
20. John's New Lifenot rated1:43
21. End Titles: Bad Blood Suitenot rated4:51

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