Various artists
Fringe - Season 1

Various artists - Fringe - Season 1

  • Release date: 2008
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: soundtrack
  • Duration: 1:10:39
  • not rated
  • Added April 19, 2010


1. J.J. Abrams - Fringe Main Title Themenot rated0:35
2. Chad Seiter - Logans Runnot rated0:55
3. Michael Giacchino - The Bishop of Essex Countynot rated2:28
4. Chad Seiter - Transfusion Triumphnot rated1:44
5. Chad Seiter - Steig On The Runnot rated1:40
6. Michael Giacchino - I See Frozen Peoplenot rated3:39
7. Chad Seiter - Waking Strifenot rated2:20
8. Chad Seiter - Why Can't I Be Goo?not rated3:36
9. Chad Seiter - The Shocking Deadnot rated2:38
10. Chad Seiter - The Chess Clubnot rated2:14
11. Chad Seiter - The Equationnot rated2:14
12. Chad Seiter - The Dreamscapenot rated6:55
13. Chad Seiter - The Light Fantasticnot rated4:33
14. Chris Tilton - Gurney For Your Thoughtsnot rated5:26
15. Chris Tilton - Masters of The Multiversenot rated2:01
16. Chris Tilton - Now That's Just Nicked Upnot rated1:20
17. Chris Tilton - Simultaneous Combustionnot rated2:35
18. Chris Tilton - Sanford and Shunnednot rated4:00
19. Chad Seiter - A Destroyed Lifenot rated3:24
20. Chris Tilton - Keeping Up With The Jonesnot rated1:35
21. Chris Tilton - There's More Than One of Everythingnot rated1:50
22. Chris Tilton - Connecting The Fringe-Cidentsnot rated5:29
23. Chris Tilton - Reiden Out The Stormnot rated3:58
24. Chris Tilton - All Along The Bell Towersnot rated3:30

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