Vicious Rumors
Word of Mouth

Vicious Rumors - Word of Mouth

  • Release date: 1994
  • Genre: Heavy Metal/Power Metal
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 47:55
  • ***
  • Added September 2, 2007
  • Played September 2, 2007
  • Rated September 2, 2007


1. Geoff Thorpe/Mark McGee - Against the Grainnot rated4:21
2. Geoff Thorpe/Mark McGee - All Rights Reservednot rated4:41
3. Geoff Thorpe/Mark McGee - The Voicenot rated4:12
4. Geoff Thorpe/Mark McGee - Thinking of Younot rated4:56
5. Geoff Thorpe/Mark McGee - Thunder & Rain - Pt. 1not rated3:14
6. Geoff Thorpe/Mark McGee - Thunder & Rain - Pt. 2not rated3:06
7. Geoff Thorpe/Mark McGee - No Fatenot rated4:25
8. Geoff Thorpe/Mark McGee - Sense of Securitynot rated4:30
9. Geoff Thorpe/Mark McGee - Dreamingnot rated4:14
10. Geoff Thorpe/Mark McGee - Ministry of Fearnot rated4:00
11. Geoff Thorpe/Mark McGee - Building #6not rated4:22
12. Geoff Thorpe; Mark McGee - Music Boxnot rated1:54

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