Holy Land

Angra - Holy Land

  • Release date: 1996
  • Genre: Heavy Metal/Power Metal
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 56:44
  • **** 1/2
  • Added June 1, 2007
  • Played May 28, 2008
  • Rated November 6, 2008


1. Giovanni Pierluigi de Palestrina - Crossing****1:56
2. Andre Matos, Kiko Loureiro, Ricardo Confessori - Nothing to Say****6:21
3. Andre Matos - Silence and Distance****5:35
4. Andre Matos, Kiko Loureiro, Rafael Bittencourt, Rafael Mariutti, Ricardo Confess - Carolina IV****10:36
5. Andre Matos - Holy Land****6:26
6. Andre Matos - The Shaman*** 1/25:23
7. Andre Matos, Rafael Bittencourt - Make Believe****5:53
8. Andre Matos, Kiko Loureiro, Rafael Bittencourt - Z.I.T.O.*** 1/26:04
9. Andre Matos - Deep Blue**** 1/25:47
10. Kiko Loureiro, Rafael Bittencourt - Lullaby for Lucifer**** 1/22:43

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