
Camel - Moonmadness

  • Release date: 1976
  • Genre: Progressive Rock
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 39:23
  • **** 1/2
  • Added March 27, 2007
  • Played May 9, 2008
  • Rated May 9, 2008


1. Andy Latimer - Aristillus*** 1/21:57
2. Andy Latimer, Pete Bardens - Song Within a Song****7:17
3. Andy Latimer, Pete Bardens - Chord Change**** 1/26:46
4. Pete Bardens - Spirit of the Water**** 1/22:08
5. Andy Latimer, Andy Ward, Doug Ferguson, Pete Bardens - Another Night****6:59
6. Andy Latimer, Pete Bardens - Air Born**** 1/25:03
7. Andy Latimer, Pete Bardens - Lunar Sea*** 1/29:13

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