Hatfield and the North
The Rotters' Club

Hatfield and the North - The Rotters' Club

  • Release date: 1975
  • Genre: Prog-Rock/Art Rock
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 50:03
  • ***
  • Added April 24, 2007
  • Played May 20, 2007
  • Rated April 25, 2007


1. Richard Sinclair - Share Itnot rated3:03
2. Phil Miller - Lounging There Tryingnot rated3:15
3. Dave Stewart - (Big) John Wayne Socks Psychology on the Jawnot rated0:43
4. Pip Pyle; Richard Sinclair - Chaos at the greasy spoonnot rated0:30
5. Pip Pyle - The yes no interludenot rated7:01
6. Pip Pyle - Fitter stoke has a bathnot rated7:33
7. Richard Sinclair - Didn't matter anywaynot rated3:33
8. Phil Miller - Underdubnot rated4:02
9. Mumps- Your Majesty Is Like a Cream Donut (Quiet) - Lumps- Prenut-not rated20:23

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