John Dowland, John Dowland
11 Lute Music; Consort Music

John Dowland - 11 Lute Music; Consort Music

  • Release date: 2007
  • Category: Early Baroque
  • Duration: 1:15:04
  • not rated
  • Added April 9, 2010
  • Played May 23, 2010


1. The Lady Russell's Pavan P17not rated5:06
2. Fancy (Fantasia) P7not rated4:40
3. Sir John Langton's Pavan P14anot rated5:51
4. Earl of Derby, his Galliard P44anot rated2:41
5. A Coy Toy (?Dowland) (Mynshall Lute Book) P80not rated0:32
6. Fortune my foe (Ballad setting) P62not rated2:18
7. [Almain] P51not rated1:50
8. Mr Knight's Galliard P36not rated2:17
9. Sir John Souch his Galliard P26not rated2:31
10. Tarletone's Riserrectione P59not rated0:36
11. The Lady Rich, her Galliard P43anot rated2:01
12. From Thomas Morley: First Booke of Consort Lessons (1599) - Lachrimae Pavannot rated4:21
13. - Can she excuse Galliardnot rated1:40
14. - Captain Piper's Pavan and Galliardnot rated5:48
15. - The Frog Galliardnot rated2:11
16. From Cambridge manuscript part books (c. 1600) - Round Battell Galliardnot rated1:32
17. - Fortune my foenot rated3:06
18. - Dowland's First Galliardnot rated1:51
19. - Katherine Darcie's Galliardnot rated1:14
20. - Tarleton's Jiggenot rated0:50
21. From British Library B.M. Add.10444 (c. 1610) - Almain a 2not rated0:30
22. - Mistress Nichols Alman a 2not rated0:47
23. From Füllsack and Hildebrandt: Auserlesene Paduanen und Galliarden (1607) - Susanna Fair (Galliard)not rated1:35
24. From Haussmann: Rest von polnischen und andern Tänzen (1603) - Mistress Nichols Alman a 5not rated0:52
25. From Thomas Simpson: Opusculum (1610) - Mr John Langton Pavan and Galliardnot rated4:59
26. - La mia Barbara Pavan and Galliardnot rated6:15
27. - Lachrimae Antiquae Novae Pavan and Galliardnot rated6:54

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