Above And Beyond The Call
Heroes Of WWII - 5 DVDs

Above And Beyond The Call - Heroes Of WWII - 5 DVDs

  • Release date: 2007
  • Genre: Documentary
  • Format: DVD Box Set
  • Category: Documentary
  • ****
  • Added December 26, 2011
  • Rated November 26, 2021


The Great Commanders, Volume 1
1. Dwight Eisenhower: Strategic Planningnot rated0:00
2. Dwight Eisenhower: Invasion Of Italynot rated0:00
3. Dwight Eisenhower: Great Crusadesnot rated0:00
4. Dwight Eisenhower: Victory Camenot rated0:00
5. Dwight Eisenhower: End Of European Crusadesnot rated0:00
6. Bonus: Medals Of Honornot rated0:00
7. George S. Patton: Difficult Timesnot rated0:00
8. George S. Patton: Deathnot rated0:00
9. George S. Patton: Nazi Camps Liberatednot rated0:00
10. George S. Patton: Omar Bradleynot rated0:00
11. George S. Patton: Post War Americanot rated0:00
12. Bonus: The Story Of G.I. Joenot rated0:00
The Great Commanders, Volume 2
1. Douglas MacArthur: Entering WWIInot rated0:00
2. Douglas MacArthur: Forces Of Other Nationsnot rated0:00
3. Douglas MacArthur: America & Japannot rated0:00
4. Douglas MacArthur: Plans Of Attacknot rated0:00
5. Douglas MacArthur: Guiding The Japanesenot rated0:00
6. Bonus: Americans Train For Jungle Warnot rated0:00
7. Henry "Hap" Arnold: Precision Flyingnot rated0:00
8. Henry "Hap" Arnold: His Own Lifenot rated0:00
9. Henry "Hap" Arnold: Flying Fortressnot rated0:00
10. Henry "Hap" Arnold: Knocking Germany Off The Warnot rated0:00
11. Bonus: Pilots Prefer Blondesnot rated0:00
12. James Doolittle: New Instruments For Airplanesnot rated0:00
13. James Doolittle: Experiencesnot rated0:00
14. James Doolittle: Battles Are Overnot rated0:00
15. James Doolittle: Never Becoming Inactivenot rated0:00
16. Bonus: American Bombersnot rated0:00
The Great Commanders, Volume 3
1. Chester W. Nimitz: Experiencenot rated0:00
2. Chester W. Nimitz: His Strategiesnot rated0:00
3. Chester W. Nimitz: The Taking Of Japannot rated0:00
4. Chester W. Nimitz: The Paradenot rated0:00
5. Bonus: Life On A Carriernot rated0:00
6. Georges C. Marshall: His Supportnot rated0:00
7. Georges C. Marshall: North Africanot rated0:00
8. Georges C. Marshall: Negotiate A Trucenot rated0:00
9. Georges C. Marshall: Next Assignmentnot rated0:00
10. Georges C. Marshall: Transportsnot rated0:00
11. Georges C. Marshall: Meritsnot rated0:00
12. Bonus: War Department's New Homenot rated0:00
13. Bonus: Chindits Fight In Burmanot rated0:00
The Great Commanders, Volume 4
1. Bernard Montgomery: British Attacksnot rated0:00
2. Bernard Montgomery: Surrendernot rated0:00
3. Bernard Montgomery: Invasion Of Italynot rated0:00
4. Bonus: Admiral Darlan Assassinatednot rated0:00
5. Georgi Zhukov: Execution Of 40,000 Officersnot rated0:00
6. Georgi Zhukov: Attacking Stalingradnot rated0:00
7. Georgi Zhukov: The Fight For Berlinnot rated0:00
8. Bonus: Soviets Declare War, Japan Surrendersnot rated0:00
9. Sir Arthur Harris: Taking His Postnot rated0:00
10. Sir Arthur Harris: Night War Over Germanynot rated0:00
11. Sir Arthur Harris: Great Controversynot rated0:00
12. Bonus: British Home Guard Stands Downnot rated0:00
The Great Commanders, Volume 5
1. Medals Of Honor: America's Survivalnot rated0:00
2. Medals Of Honor: War In The Pacificnot rated0:00
3. Medals Of Honor: Art Of Flyingnot rated0:00
4. Medals Of Honor: Plane Bombardmentnot rated0:00
5. Medals Of Honor: Hazardous Tasksnot rated0:00
6. Medals Of Honor: Aerial Gunnernot rated0:00
7. Medal Of Honor Winners: Congressional Medal Of Honornot rated0:00
8. Medal Of Honor Winners: Richard Bondnot rated0:00
9. Medal Of Honor Winners: James H. Howardnot rated0:00
10. Medal Of Honor Winners: Cane & Johnsonnot rated0:00
11. Medal Of Honor Winners: John C. Morgannot rated0:00
12. Medal Of Honor Winners: William Arthurnot rated0:00
13. Nuremberg: War Is Over-No Peacenot rated0:00
14. Nuremberg: There Will Be Warnot rated0:00
15. Nuremberg: Yes, This Is My Signaturenot rated0:00

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