Expansions: The Dave Liebman Group

Expansions: The Dave Liebman Group - Earth

  • Release date: 2020
  • Genre: Jazz/Post-Bop/Fusion
  • Format: CD
  • Category: jazz
  • Duration: 47:35
  • ****
  • Added March 14, 2020
  • Played March 16, 2020
  • Rated March 16, 2020


1. David Liebman - Earth Themenot rated3:26
2. Tony Marino - Bass Interludenot rated1:29
3. David Liebman - Volcano / Avalanchenot rated5:24
4. Alex Ritz - Percussion / Flute Interludenot rated2:11
5. David Liebman - The Saharanot rated6:39
6. David Liebman - Soprano Saxophone Interludenot rated0:59
7. David Liebman - Grand Canyon / Mt. Everestnot rated3:56
8. Alex Ritz - Drum Interludenot rated2:18
9. David Liebman - Concrete Junglenot rated5:17
10. Bobby Avey - Piano Interludenot rated2:10
11. David Liebman - Dust To Dustnot rated4:20
12. Matt Vashlishan - Wind Synthesizer Interludenot rated2:05
13. David Liebman - Galaxynot rated5:55
14. David Liebman - Earth Theme (reprise)not rated1:19

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