Complete list of anya1313's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Blackmores NightMagical WorldThe Beginningnot ratedCD box set12/7/2012
Blackmores NightMagical WorldThe Beginningnot ratedCD box set12/7/2012
Blackmores NightMan On The Silver MountainThe Beginningnot ratedCD box set12/7/2012
Blackmores NightMarch The Heroes HomeThe Beginningnot ratedCD box set12/7/2012
Blackmores NightMarch The Heroes HomeThe Beginningnot ratedCD box set12/7/2012
Blackmores NightMarch The Heroes HomeUnder A Violet Moon4:39not ratedCD1999
Blackmores NightMaybe Next TimeThe Beginningnot ratedCD box set12/7/2012
Blackmores NightMemmingenThe Beginningnot ratedCD box set12/7/2012
Blackmores NightMemmingenThe Beginningnot ratedCD box set12/7/2012
Blackmores NightMemmingenShadow Of The Moon1:05not ratedCD1997
Blackmores NightMid Winter's NightFires At Midnight4:30not ratedCD2001
Blackmores NightMinstrel HallShadow Of The Moon2:35not ratedCD1997
Blackmores NightMinstrel HallThe Beginningnot ratedCD box set12/7/2012
Blackmores NightMinstrel HallThe Beginningnot ratedCD box set12/7/2012
Blackmores NightMond TanzThe Beginningnot ratedCD box set12/7/2012
Blackmores NightMond TanzThe Beginningnot ratedCD box set12/7/2012
Blackmores NightMond TanzShadow Of The Moon3:33not ratedCD1997
Blackmores NightMorning StarUnder A Violet Moon4:40not ratedCD1999
Blackmores NightMorning StarThe Beginningnot ratedCD box set12/7/2012
Blackmores NightMorning StarThe Beginningnot ratedCD box set12/7/2012
Blackmores NightMr. Peagram's Morris And SwordGhost of a Rose2:01not ratedCD2003
Blackmores NightNo Second ChanceShadow Of The Moon5:38not ratedCD1997
Blackmores NightNo Second ChanceThe Beginningnot ratedCD box set12/7/2012
Blackmores NightNo Second ChanceThe Beginningnot ratedCD box set12/7/2012
Blackmores NightNow & ThenThe Beginningnot ratedCD box set12/7/2012

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