The Pharcyde
Humboldt Beginnings

The Pharcyde - Humboldt Beginnings

  • Release date: 7/13/2004
  • Genre: Hip-Hop
  • Format: CD
  • Category: black
  • Duration: 1:04:22
  • ** 1/2
  • Added September 14, 2015
  • Rated September 14, 2015


1. Homegrown (Skit) (Intro)* 1/22:18
2. The Uh-Huh***2:55
3. Storm***3:38
4. Italian For Goodbye (Skit)not rated0:11
5. I Thought I Knew You***3:11
6. Thoughfullnis (Skit)not rated0:20
7. The Art Of Sharing**2:48
8. Suggestions (Skit)not rated0:11
9. Fastlife** 1/24:00
10. Boss (Skit)not rated0:15
11. Illusions***3:46
12. Mixedgreens**4:05
13. Right B4 (Rite After)** 1/23:49
14. Clouds** 1/21:55
15. Mr. Lindsey (Skit)not rated0:41
16. The Bomb***3:36
17. Paranoia**4:07
18. Keinon (Skit)not rated0:41
19. Choices** 1/24:14
20. Peace's Plece (Skit)not rated0:54
21. Dedication*** 1/26:01
22. Praise (Outro)**2:11
23. Get Rite / Busted**8:25

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