Gecko Turner
Chandalismao ilustrado

Gecko Turner - Chandalismao ilustrado

  • Release date: 1/14/2006
  • Genre: Funk; Jazz/Latin; Electronic; Bossa
  • Format: CD
  • Category: black
  • Duration: 1:03:06
  • *** 1/2
  • Added October 10, 2015
  • Rated October 10, 2015


1. En la calle, On the Street*** 1/23:20
2. Monosablio Blues****4:28
3. Qué papa è esse?*** 1/23:56
4. Toda mojaita****3:42
5. Coco pindá*** 1/23:14
6. Daughterbitchin' and Motherfuckin' Style*** 1/24:39
7. Pal Perú*** 1/24:14
8. Tieso (y sin desayuná)*** 1/24:22
9. Tontorroneá*** 1/24:14
10. The 48th African Davies***2:55
11. 'Fess It, Girl*** 1/23:46
12. Afrobeatnik?***4:59
13. Raise Up Standarts*** 1/24:02
14. Joyina*** 1/24:45
15. Sycamore Blues (Tristezas del sicomoro)***6:24

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